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Adda - business support for the public sector

Adda AB is owned by The Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SKR). We offer the public sector agreements and services for strategic supply that facilitate everyday life for our customers, free up resources for welfare and contribute to a sustainable society. Our vision is to be the public sector's most value-creating partner.


Two business areas

There are two business areas within the Adda Group.

Adda Inköpscentral is a Central Purchasing Body, or in short a CPB. We offer through our portfolio of Framework agreements, Dynamic Purchasing Systems and Services, support to all Swedish Regions and Municipalities in their strategic sourcing.

Adda Kompetens offers training in smart formats, sharp system support and printed media.

Strategic supply

Our owner SKR is clear about our assignment at Adda: We should help the public sector with the strategic supply of goods, services and skills so that we are better equipped to deliver the welfare of the future. In order to make visible the supply challenges that exist in an organisation and facilitate conscious and long-term decision-making in supply, we have developed a model we call the strategic supply process.

Find out more about the supply process (in swedish)

Culture and values

Decent – Curious – Sharp – Relevant. Adda's core values are important in the governance of our business. We want to make it easier for everyone, both managers and employees, to address challenges and make decisions in the short and long term. Through a value-based business, we wish to create space and freedom of action, collegial commitment and the opportunity to quickly adapt to new conditions.

Contact us

Need help? Let us know. 

Contact us

For press and media

Are you from media or press, please visit our press-page